Why Masterful Person Company?

Masterful Person Company publishing team ready to provide highest quality publishing and go on the writing journey with you.

Masterful Person Company Publishing is a groundbreaking company focusing on reinventing independent publishing and creating a community for writers to grow into authors.

At Masterful Person Company, we are here to take the journey with you. We want stories that foster growth and possibility as much as they entertain. We only offer the highest quality services and materials to make your story the best for the world to embrace.

At Masterful Person Company, you have found a home.

Raising the vibe in what you read for excellence and innovation in publishing.
Meredith at the Met by JS Furlong excellence and innovation in book publishing, editing and book marketing

Excellence & Innovation

We raise the bar in everything we do. With years of experience, we put our best into publishing captivating stories to present to the world.

We push for a publishing industry that honors authors and inspires readers. We are trailblazing and creating the positive change we want to see.

We invite young people to read, older people to discuss, and everyone in between to write and grow. Anyone can be a writer. We inspire you to develop into an author.

Community & Joy

We are a girl-power driven company that believes in teamwork and transparency in every aspect of our work. Masterful Person Company authors become part of our community.

Everything we do - editing, publishing, and marketing - is gratifying and empowering when done together. Join the family and feel the joy in your writing!

Girl power driven quality publishing company
Sunset through trees in a park with picnic tables.


We grow our company by listening to our team and our community. We grow our catalog by crafting excellent stories with dedicated authors. We grow the publishing industry by leading the way.

Empowering the author community
Night scene with illuminated green tree against a dark sky
Raising the vibe in what you read in book publishing.
  • No.

    We offer Hybrid and Traditional publishing contracts. We care about your creative work as much as you do.

    Vanity presses are publishers for hire and typically maintain a royalty share (that means they keep some of your money when you sell books). MPC publishes only selected books and, for our hybrid contracts, share ZERO PERCENT of your royalties. That means you keep 100% of the money you earn when your book sells.

    BEWARE! If you receive a reach out from an individual or company claiming to have seen your work and wanting to publish it for you for a fee, BE ALERT! These are frequently vanity press scams. Don’t bite!

  • We offer as many hybrid contracts as our editors can handle while maintaining our standard of excellence. We look for quality work that is inspirational, intelligent, thought-provoking, and unique.

    Even if you aren’t an author yet, if your story is worth hearing, we would love the opportunity to work with you. We pride ourselves on turning writers into authors.

    So, the answer is, we don’t publish a set percent of submissions we receive. If you have a good story, we would love to be a part of it.

  • Ask our authors!

    Masterful Person Company helped J.S. Furlong grow her first book from a simple ebook to a Barnes & Noble seven times best seller.

    Our company is built on overcoming the challenges writers face when becoming authors and helping advancing career authors find a creative home where no book they love will ‘die on submission.’

    • RESPECT THE WORK: We want the author’s work to be the best it can be in the author’s voice. We want the cover, interior and print to be a quality product. We are not a publisher that cuts corners to make a profit at the author’s expense.

    • RESPECT THE AUTHOR: We strive to be fair, respectful, and honest and to have a life long relationship with our authors. This is why we offer a 100% 21-day money back guarantee. If you have struggled with other publishers, give us a try.

  • We are a full service publisher offering editing, publishing and marketing services. We also offer author education courses.

    See the services page for additional information.

  • IHybrid publishing allows an author to access professional creative and publishing services for a work of their choosing while serving as the primary investor in the work. The advantage of publishing in this way is the author receives 100% retention of rights and 100% royalty receipt. The author has the ability to select any services they need. Unlike many hybrid publishers, authors keep 100% of their royalties at Masterful Person Company.

  • Authors that choose hybrid publishing invest in their work and only select the services they want. Therefore, hybrid authors receive 100% of their royalties at Masterful Person Company.

    Traditional contracts offered by Masterful Person Company do not require investment from the authors.

    Traditionally, Hybrid authors keep a higher royalty percentage and more creative control over their work. Traditional book deals are difficult to get and often exclude wonderful manuscripts which don’t fit the publisher’s sales goal. Hybrid publishing has a lower barrier to entry.

    At Masterful Person Company, authors will publish quality work regardless of which publishing route they take. Masterful Person Company selects between one and three titles per year for traditional contracts based on commercial potential and market trends.

